L shape house with slightly remaining completion built on 140m2 . It is located on 14km far from Piasa and 9km from Addisu Gebeya to the direction of sululta.
G+2building location at sululta koka area 140m2 with less remaining finishing open for bankers and others call for furthermore{phone=0977008888}
The house is found in the new Mana Abichu sub city, to the direction of Sululta. It has a Service house which needs an interer finishing and supplies
Arif L shape bet naw kare 200 hulu document yamoala naw sululta mizan yelama safar wust yidawulu{phone=0977008888}
400kare sululta mizan far away from piassa 10km only foreigners( diaspora)can engage for this wide compound! come with 2person possible call fully documented
Manani kunin Kan argamu naannawwa Sululta yoo ta.u gaati miliyoona jaaha jedhama gaaruu ni hirta kaarameetiii isaa 200 yoo ta.u odeeffaannoo
Manani kunin Kan argamu naannawwa Sululta yoo ta.u gaati miliyoona torba jedhama gaaruu hirta kaarameetiii isaa 200 yoo ta.u{phone=0923641603} Ykn
Yalekelet adis mulu L shape sheger city sululta mizan athlete sefer
Mirt vila lem yemihon
የሚሸጥ L ሼፕ ቤት address ሸገር ከተማ ሱሉልታ አስታዳዳር ሰፋት 200m2 መኝታ ቤት =4 ማብሠያ ቤት =1 ሳሎን =
የሚሸጥ L ሼፕ ቪላ ቤት address ሸገር ከተማ ሱሉልታ አስታዳዳር ሰፋት 200m2 መኝታ ቤት =4 ማብሠያ ቤት =1
የሚሸጥ ቪላ L ሼፕ ቤት address ሸገር ከተማ ሱሉልታ አስታዳዳር ሰፋት 200m2 መኝታ ቤት =4 ማብሠያ ቤት =1
House for sale located at Sululta Coca. 200 m2 compound with Villa and service. best location near to asphalt. best residential area
200 kare place sululta shifune service house dawulu latirfim tihonalech mulu document yalew naw
ሸገር ሱሉልታ አካባቢ ለሽያጭ የቀረበ ኮንጆ ቪላ ቤት ምንም ንክክ የሌለው ንጹ ዶክመንት ስፋት-200m2
# sululta ሱሉልታ # 2008 ካርታ # ጥርት ያለ ዶክመንት # 2% ኮሚሽን{phone=0985257473}
This house is very nice villa. size 300m2.what distance from main way?200m. facilities? water,electric and wifi. distance from around piassa? 13km. open to
Modern villa house for sale 200sqm rented 15,000 has water and electricity has services call
200sqm service house for sale, at coca, sululta
Amazing G+3, house for sale, at weserbi, sululta 5 bed room and 4 bathroom 1 guest room and 1 maid room very near to the main road